Nicole Campbell boasts a fiercely flourishing career as an entrepreneur, educator, and professional speaker. To this list she has now added ‘author’. Driven by a passion for empowerment, she represented Jamaica at MIT’s Junior Summit and was selected to address then UN Secretary General Kofi Annan at just 13 years old. She was subsequently featured in local and international media, including CNN and Nickelodeon and was chosen as one of “20 Teens Who Will Change the World” by Teen People Magazine.

She is a graduate of the St. Andrew High School for Girls, and completed her high school studies at Phillips Academy ‘Andover’ in Massachusetts, before going on to earn an undergraduate degree in Economics from Princeton University in 2006. Nicole also studied at Stanford University’s Summer Institute and the University of London, where she earned a Master’s Degree in Globalization and Development.

Nicole returned to Jamaica immediately to join the Ministry of Education where she served as Senior Policy Analyst to the then Minister of Education, now Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness. At 25, Nicole resigned from the Ministry to start AIM Educational Services – with just two students. Nicole sites her decision to tap into her passion for human development in education as one of the best she’s made. Today, AIM sees hundreds of students and delivers an average return of over 5000% to parents – results Nicole attributes to a strong, motivated team whose focus remains on possibilities, not problems.

How Do You Streamline Your Goals?
Pursuing too many goals at once will lead to diminishing returns … so the great ones say! Nicole breaks it down.